The Film Catalogue

Essential Film Group

Essential Film Group

48 Warwick Street
London, England W1B 5AW
United Kingdom

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Partner, Sales
Nina Kolokouri

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Partner, Sales
James Norrie

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Production Profile

Essential Film Group is dedicated to bringing together a diverse range of local and international resources, including state-of-the-art production services, professional crews, cutting-edge technology, experienced international sales and robust financial backing. We have established a seamless production solution creating compelling visual content, whether producing our own stories or collaborating with new or established partners. We are able to provide a complete end-to-end workflow from inception through to finish.

Genres: Action/Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Heist, Horror, Martial Arts, Musical, Mystery, Romantic Comedy, Science-Fiction, Supernatural Thriller, Suspense, Thriller, True Story, Western

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