The Film Catalogue


Animation |


AMBI Distribution


A spin off from the ARCTIC JUSTICE feature, PUFFINS focuses primarily on the (dis) adventures of four hilarious little birds: Tic, Tac, Didi, and Pie, who live together in a cottage on the Tundra. They often turn to Johnny Puff for advice, an unconventional, former rocker who now leads a simple life in the tundra with the other puffins. Opposite them is Otto Von Walrus, a talented engineer and compulsive collector, who captures the Puffins that he finds to use them as a workforce in his vast and technological lair. Four minisodes will make up a 20 minute episode; the goal is for children to learn in each episode the importance of teamwork and that no matter how small you might be, you are never too small to stand up for what is right!

Año de Finalización
