Shade 2 Sunshine

Shade 2 Sunshine

304 East 38th Street
Suite 4B
New York, NY 10016

Phone: 6466209160

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Ian Keldoulis

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Production Profile

The goal of Shade 2 Sunshine is simple—shedding light on original stories by getting them onto screens, big, small and in between.

What’s original? We’re not doing police procedurals, buddy and gal pal sitcoms or other standard fare.

The focus is on stories with unique premises and strong characters often with an e-fi (economic fiction*) bent.

*Think sci-fi but about the force money plays in our lives.

Genres: Black Comedy

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The Coliseum

Black Comedy | English | 90 minutes

Shade 2 Sunshine

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Candy Train (TV Series)

Black Comedy, Urban | English | 30 minutes

Shade 2 Sunshine

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Toyz On Demand!

Animation, Black Comedy | English | 90 minutes

Shade 2 Sunshine

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