The Film Catalogue
The Black Guelph

The Black Guelph

Drama | English | 126 minutes

Las Entreprise

Entertainment Squad

Cast & Crew


John Connors


Kevin Glynn, Tiernan Williams, Maria O'Neill


John Connors, Tiernan Williams


Graham Earley, Paul Roe, Tony Doyle, Denise McCormack, Lauren Larkin, John Connors, Kevin Glynn, Barry John Kinsella, Casey Walsh


In the aftermath of the biggest sexual abuse scandal in the history of Ireland, Canto is dealing drugs and suffering from mental health issues when his girlfriend Leah kicks him out. Leah, sick of his antics and criminal lifestyle, tries to shield their daughter from Canto's negative influence. Canto is forced to turn to the streets for help as he always has done. Dan, Canto's father, returns to the area looking for forgiveness and reconciliation, but Canto outright rejects him for abandoning him when he was a child. Dan then becomes somewhat of a surrogate father to Virgil who he meets outside a derelict industrial school where Dan is rough sleeping. Virgil lives alone with his mother Beatrice on a barge. Dan and Beatrice become entangled romantically, two addicts seeing both their own reflections in one another and internal motivation to find peace. Meanwhile, Canto's drug debts to a local enforcer pile up and a game of cat and mouse ensues, survival hanging in the balance.

Année d'achèvement

