The Film Catalogue
The Noise In Music

The Noise In Music

Musical | English | 141 minutes

Las Entreprise

Indie Rights

Cast & Crew


Kevin "Maxx Pain" Caldwell


Mia Simone, Zhugang Mo Reala, Lucky Luci, Jerald Andrews, Kevin "Maxx Pain" Caldwell

La Bande-annonce


Growing up in a music based family was like a dream for 25 year old “Dreamz Hart” who’s father was a famous producer in the early 90s land groomed him his brother and sister into musical talents. When tragedy strikes the Family “Dreamz” goes on a Hiatus in hopes of regaining the passion he lost for music and while doing so he meets “Fallan” a beautiful songstress who mends his heart but can they withstand the temptations in music in this poetic based Musical Love story. Shot By CJ Hands Edited by Maxx Pain with A List acting performances #TheNo

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Année d'achèvement

