The Film Catalogue
Star Thieves: Part 1

Star Thieves: Part 1

Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science-Fiction | English | 50 minutes


Dark Matter 86

Cast & Crew


Dennis Hill


Dennis Hill


Dennis Hill


Dennis Hill


Star Thieves is an ensemble cast, but our story starts off following KAI, a homeless man who seems to be held in his situation against his will by a mentor figure, ISI, a catholic priest. Isi has a deep desire for Kai to learn something before he leaves, as Kai will be making a decision that will affect all of humanity.

At its heart, Star Thieves is a series about our addictions overshadowing our better judgment with others, and how empathy can play a key role in the healing process. In addition, Star Thieves will not shy away from its sci-fi action and tech aspect. With an Afrofuturistic bent, and martial arts resembling IP Man and The Matrix, Star Thieves will tap into pop culture with the latest Hip Hop and Synthwave music, blended with a touch of Horror. - It’s The Wire meets Black Panther.

Anno di Completamento

