The Film Catalogue
Escape from Area 51

Escape from Area 51

Comedy, Science-Fiction | English | 76 minutes

보병 중대

Summer Hill Entertainment

캐스트 & 크루


Donna D’Errico, Chris Browning, Sarah Schueler



A massive crowd of people have gathered to storm Area 51, the mysterious military facility where evidence of alien encounters is held. One group gets vaporized by a UFO, but another trio is more conservative in their efforts. One of them, Ernest, takes a leak against an electrified fence and causes a temporary power outage. While the power is down, Sheera, an alien woman, manages to break free. Using portal pills, she is soon outside where she meets the trio of Ernest, Jason and Molly. She enlists their aid in avoiding Sklaar, an admiral of the Andronian Empire who is after her. She has come to Earth in an attempt to recover a bio-info-pod that was lost when one of her fellow planetary citizens crashed near Roswell, NM a number of years earlier. The device is loaded with information needed to take over Sheera's planet and details about Sklaar's spacecraft (plus many songs and movies!). Helping her in an orbiting rescue craft is Kyra. But Sklaar and his vice admiral have tracked her there. They are able to snatch Kyra from her ship using a beaming device. Now she is a prisoner on Sklaar's ship, so Sheera will need to rescue her if the two of them will escape with the bio-info-pod still in their possession. What makes success possible is that Sklaar's vice admiral is secretly aligned with Sheera.

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