The Film Catalogue
Inherit The Witch

Inherit The Witch

Drama, Horror | English | 85 minutes

보병 중대

Summer Hill Entertainment

캐스트 & 크루


Cradeaux Alexander


Cradeaux Alexander, Rohan Quine, Heather Cairns



Flashback video footage from 1984 shows the 14th birthday party of Young Cory and his twin sister Jessie. It's an apparently normal scenario, including Cory's older sibling Fiona and his half-brother Rex. However, also present is Pamela, who wields secret power in plain view, being in reality a witch and the head of a murderous occult church that holds this family in its grip. Flashing forward, we meet these characters 30 years later, on the occasion of the patriarch's death, when family tensions are rising over the substantial estate he is leaving behind. Cory and his boyfriend Lars arrive at a secluded house in the New Forest, England, not far from his father's cabin where Pamela has taken up residence. She is close to death and is supported by Rex, who now acts as her constant companion and fellow practitioner in her dark occult arts. Fiona arrives, after decades of emancipation from the family, and brings with her memories of their childhood that Cory has suppressed for so long -- memories of the outrageous violence and occult mysteries that Pamela has orchestrated in order to attain the family's great wealth and privilege. Back in the current day, Pamela begins her ascent into a new life cycle, which renews the pressure on Cory and re-focuses him on the dark path that she once fated for him. He fights the hypnotic forces that pit Lars and Rex against him, and fights for his life as he tries to regain his natural birthright and head the new family alongside Pamela. At the last moment, will Pamela allow Cory back into the fold of her dark church, to inherit the witch, or has she been manipulating him all along for her own even more evil ends?

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