The Film Catalogue
On Hold

On Hold

Alternate Titles: In asteptare

Drama | Romanian | 26 minutes

보병 중대

Saroa Film

캐스트 & 크루


Sabina Lisievici


Sabina Lisievici


Sabina Lisievici


Carmen Tanase, Sabina Lisievici, Paul Diaconescu, George Damare, Andrei Marcuta, Fulvia Folosea, Olar George, Daria Ghitu, Hristu Trica, Teodora Oancea, Costin Cambir



Based on a true story, the movie "On hold" is pursuing the love story of Carina and Felix and it's analyzing the destiny of the two lovers. Felix, a young officer in the army is in love with beautiful and romantic Carina, who can't imagine life without him. Every time Felix sets off on a mission, they both grapple with the challenge of staying apart from each other. A misunderstanding caused by Felix's brother, who is taking advantage of his weakness, ends their relationship and marks their destiny forever. How often do we let our life path be guided by circumstances, oblivious of love? How often do we deny our own right to love and happiness? Or is happiness a choice after all?

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