The Film Catalogue
Sam Heads Home

Sam Heads Home

Comedy, Drama, Road Movie | English | 100 minutes


Comedy Bar Films


A few days before Thanksgiving, Sam calls her father Jim, to ask if she can come home to Edmonton for a while. Jim senses that something’s up and, after becoming accustomed to spending the holidays alone with his dog Sandy (and avoiding the affections of his neighbor Marisol), he decides to fly to Detroit to drive Sam’s car home and enjoy some overdue father/daughter time. However, when he arrives, he finds Sam with a broken arm and a black eye. Rather than discuss what happened, the pair do what they have always done: ignore, obfuscate, deny and mostly, tell jokes. Their denial strategy works for a while, but as they get nearer and nearer to home, the forests and farms of the prairies open up to the flat and spacious plains, and they can no longer hide from the truth. SAM HEADS HOME is a funny, intimate, and timeless portrait of fathers, daughters, the distances that grow between them and the road back to family.

SAM HEADS HOME is a dramatic comedy that cleverly and sensitively marries the dysfunctional parent-child relationship of LADY BIRD, the hellish family road trip of LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE & GUILT TRIP and the holiday buddy-film mayhem of PLANES, TRAINS and AUTOMOBILES. Directed by John Carroll Lynch.

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