The Film Catalogue
Spiral Into the Yellow Void

Spiral Into the Yellow Void

Horror | English | 116 minutes


Purple Magnet Productions

Актеры и исполнители


Levin Garbisch


Maggie Brown, Jordan Henderson


Levin Garbisch


Act one.
A psychic woman named Amy performs a healing on a new client named Camilla. This
involves Amy extracting a yellow liquid from her body. A strange man wearing a mask
appears in Amy’s home afterwards. We follow Amy’s life for a while. She has a
boyfriend named Dylan, she sees several clients all with different issues or
complications to deal with. And we see how the masked stranger constantly strangles
and impedes Amy’s life.

Camilla returns for a follow-up, and sees the stranger next to Amy. Camilla realizes that
Amy is not okay, and she tries to offer her some help. Panicked and overwhelmed, Amy
passes out from stress.

Act two.
Dylan and Camilla discuss Amy. We learn that she struggles badly with depression.
Amy then kicks them out so she can help her next client. Afterwards, Amy self-harms
with a shard of broken glass. We learn that Amy has tried to kill herself twice, and she
feels utterly hopeless.

A man named Louis arrives for a psychic healing. He acts very callous and sexually
aggressive toward Amy, but she is too out of it to realize. Louis manipulates Amy into
stripping for him, and then he rapes her. Amy then performs a healing on Louis, and he

instantly has a breakdown after gaining some empathy. Dylan and Amy go to Louis’s
house later to confront him, and they discover that Louis has killed himself.

Amy spirals into a deep depression, unable to deal with everything that happened.
During this, we start to hear cryptic mentions of a place called Carcosa. Amy eventually
tries to see more clients, one of whom ends up singing her a song about Carcosa. Amy
takes a look at a new painting of Dylan’s and breaks down.

An unspecified time later, Amy plans to kill herself when the Stranger appears before
her and removes his mask, which reveals a spiraling yellow void underneath. The
Stranger explains that he could take her to Carcosa, where she’d be free from all
suffering, but gone from this world. Amy accepts, and awakes in a forest with two suns.

We see Dylan at an art gallery showing off his new piece, which is a celebration of Amy.
A woman asks about who the painting is about and Dylan painfully speaks about Amy.
He ends with a phrase Amy liked to say “everyone deserves to be happy.”

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