The Film Catalogue
The Far Green Country 3: Road School

The Far Green Country 3: Road School

Documentary | English | 79 minutes


Indie Rights

Актеры и исполнители


Eli Pyke


Kelly Pyke, Eli Pyke



Amidst scenic beauty and the stunningly varied landscapes of both America’s places and its people, full-timers Eli and Kelly invite viewers into their lives as a full-timing RV family, as they seek answers to the question: “What is education?” Join them as they adventure with two young kids, camp on a remote island, inflate their rubber kayak and paddle through alligator-infested waters, and explore ancient ruins. Learn fish identification and discuss the complexities of wildlife conservation. Visit history museums about World War 2, aviation, the Great Space Race, and the Titanic. Travel inside a chocolate factory, fix up an old ATV, and learn how to sail and see dolphins at a premiere sailing academy. Students both young and old will come away with new knowledge about the world in which we live. Awaken that curiousity within, and set out on the journey of a lifetime, with The Far Green Country 3: Road School!

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