The Film Catalogue
The Island Between Tides

The Island Between Tides

Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural Thriller | English | 99 minutes


Storyboard Media

Актеры и исполнители


Austin Andrews, Andrew Holmes


Paloma Kwiatkowski, David Mazouz, Adam Beach, Donal Logue, Camille Sullivan, Megan Charpentier


Along the majestic shoreline of the Pacific Northwest, six-year-old Lily vanishes without a trace. She reappears two days later with no memory of time passing; unharmed, but not unaltered. The mysterious melody that drew her to a remote tidal island haunts her through her childhood until, in her 20s, she is drawn again to return. She disappears into the island’s mist, but this time it’s not for days, it’s for decades.

She re-emerges still a young woman, yet the rest of the world has aged around her, her family now whittled down to her elderly father, middle-aged sister, and the troubled son she'd left as an infant. Confused, Lily must piece together the time that has passed, and the mystery that led to her disappearance. Her now grown son Jared is haunted by the same melody and tormented by forces that no one else has understood – until now. Taunted and pursued, they race to unravel the secrets of the island and the souls it has captured before it’s too late.

Strengthened by their immutable bond, Lily and Jared learn the chilling truth: fear can rip the fabric of time, and not every apparition is a ghost.

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