The Film Catalogue
Wandering Albatross

Wandering Albatross

Action/Adventure | English | 18 minutes


Spotlight Feature Films

Актеры и исполнители


Mevin Capistrano


Christopher Fernandes


Hidetaka Ishii, Sarah Freia, Helena Ciuciura


In an alternate reality, the city runs a game called Birds of Prey where people fight to the death for fame and money. In this game, Olivia and Alessia run into the samurai codenamed Albatross. Albatross kills Alessia, leaving Olivia to search for him for revenge. Albatross is desperate to find a purpose in his life,
hoping killing could satisfy him. But he realizes that nothing can. Olivia has killed innocent people trying to find and lure out Albatross. As Albatross is about to take his own life he hears about Olivia’s victims. He decides to confront her. Olivia expects a fight but Albatross kneels before her, telling her to take her revenge. Olivia tells him to get up, wanting a fair fight. Albatross calls her out on her motives before Olivia drives Alessia’s sword through his chest. Olivia, now Snow Owl, has killed Birds of Prey’s undefeated champion, Albatross.

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